My reply got pretty long, so I'm going to pull the notes out here.
The idea: an interactive night of VIM+perl tips. Bring your vimrc's and links to your favorite modules and plugins. Perl stuff that makes VIM better, VIM stuff than makes editing perl better. A lot of my stuff is circa VI, but it is still sweet.
Tips I'll bring:
- setting up vim to use quicklist / make functions on your perl.
- integrating perltidy
- my perltidyrc
- ctags integration
- keyword completion
- a couple of vim plugins
- examples of vimdiff and svn+vimdiff integration
- splitting windows
- related: zsh (the one true shell(tm)) integration.
Stuff I'd love to hear about:
- using embedded perl in vim. perldo and friends.
- omnicompletion
- Your Favorite file browser
- Your Favorite vim plugins
- Info about the Vim:: modules on CPAN.
- ctag/vimtag generators:
- Vim::Complete (0.03) vs ctags for omni completion
- Vim::Tag (0.02) [(same author as Vim::Complete, possible shell integration)
- Perl::Tags (0.26)
- Vim::Snippet::Converter + snippetsEmu (emulate TextMate snippets)
- Pod::Simple::Vim + PERLDOC2 --> convert POD for viewing in vim, with syntax highlighting.? used by perldoc2 plugin.
- App::EditorTools / App::EditorTools::VIM / PPIx::EditorTools::* to leverage some of the PADRE stuff in vim.
- Devel::PerlySense Devel::PerlySense::Editor::VIM perly_sense (not really supported, really aimed at emacs. Can we fix this?)
- VI::Quickfix ( cute. Add this to your module/app and the perl compile errors will get written to the vim quickfix file, like as if you'd run :make from inside vim)
- Vroom::Vroom --
beppu andtommy showed me this, it's awesome. "powerpoint in vim -- without all the sucky powerpoint stuff). - Vim::Snippet::Completion (no docs, what does this do?)
- ctag/vimtag generators:
- updated VIM perl syntax highlighting description, now maintained by petdance/andy lester. announce git issue-tracker group
- using ACK and using it from inside vim(Tommy, examples please)
- perlciritc integration via perlchecker.vim
- iskeyword settings ( set iskeyword+=: , etc)
- perl-support.vim -- seriously, does anyone use this? I'm not sure I see how it would be helpful. If you do, I'd love a visit from the clue-train.
I only got as far as searching VIM:: on cpan. Next up, mining the perlmonks (and updating, of course) -- the vim info there is old, and some of it is wrong (meaning of a couple flags were flipped between vim6 and vim7).
Sound awesome! I hope someone can post some slides or a pod/videocast when you're done.
I'll try and get some notes/slides updated after the 12/2/2009 meeting.
We decided not to do this topic at this past week.
I've updated to include links to the slides and config repository.
*Slides rendered to html:
*Config files:
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